Proper packaging of the product is crucial to ensure safety while the product is in transit to the warehouse or another destination. A variety of packaging materials are used for the packaging of the products. If you want more details about packaging solutions, check out packaging solutions Malaysia.
The most frequently used foam material for packaging includes EPE foam, EVA foam, crosslinked PE foam, PU foam, EPS foam, etcetera. Some of these foam types boast enhanced properties because of the utilization of various fabrication techniques. With so many options available for packaging solutions, deciding which one you should go for can become pretty confusing. Thus, let’s learn a little bit more about the different types of phones available for packaging.
The different types of foam packaging
EVA foam is used for packaging because it is available in different colors and densities. This can also be customized for your package insert. In the case of heavy products, you can use high-density EVA foam sheets for making custom inserts. High-density EVA provides better tensile strength and protects heavy goods. Alternatively, low density and medium density EVA foam can be used for light weight products. Check out EVA foam Malaysia for all your EVA foam requirements.
Eve foam insert
Eva foam inserts are available in a variety of colors and have a variety of benefits. Some benefits of EVA foam sheets are
- They are oil, moisture, and water-resistant.
- They provide consistent cushioning and act as shock absorbers and protect the material kept within.
- It is very easy to work with EVA foam sheets for different fabrication processes. Therefore, you can achieve a custom finish.
- Custom printing options are available. EVA foam has a very smooth surface, making it suitable for custom printing.
- EVA foam is available in a variety of colors which makes it more attractive.
- For luxury foam insert, you can get laminated velvet.
PU foam insert
PU stands for polyurethane foam. It is an open-cell foam Type. PU foam is extremely lightweight, which is why it is used for the transport of goods like carpet, cars, furniture, bedding, etcetera. Polyurethane foam is available in various densities depending on your needs and requirements. There are many benefits to opting for PU foam packaging:
- Soft and lightweight
- Amazing at noise reduction
- Provides resilience, shock-absorbing, and flexibility properties
- Used for pluck and pick foam packaging.
- Anti-static. Perfect for packaging and transport of electronic goods.
- Fire retardant
Crosslinked polyethylene foam packaging
Crosslinked polyethylene is a pretty popular choice when it comes to foam protective packaging. These are extremely strong, resident, and durable. Thus, they are used in industries like transportation, construction, automotive et cetera. The benefits of using crosslink PE foam inserts are
- Heat insulation
- Provides superior moisture resistance capabilities
- Long term cushioning and durability
- Shock absorption
- Available in many densities, colors and can be custom fabricated.
- Depending on your needs and requirements, you will be choosing a specific foam type for your packaging and transportation needs.